From: St Charbel For Life

 Toronto, Ontario


To: The House of Senate
      Ottawa, Ontario



Dear Honorable Senator


The Chrétien government passed Bill C-13 with the impression to the public that these legislations will cure Parkinson disease and will help to cure many diseases to Canadians. It sound very good. However, sadly this government fails to tell the public that embryonic Stem cell research is far away from curing any diseases. However, Somatic (adults) stem cell research helped curing lots of uncured illness like leukemia and many more alike. It has been used for many years.


I have a great opposition to Bill C-13 because it Does Not Prohibit Cloning totally and allow it for research and So-Called Clone and Kill and Organ Harvesting (body parts), The Problem of Regulations inside the labs, and Allows Women to be Exploited as Embryo Factories.


From a natural point of view Embryonic Stem cell research, violate the God made Law of nature He placed in every men and women. In another word, if we allow attacks on this law, nature will attack back, that is why we see the Mad Cow disease out-brakes in the United Kingdom and in the province of Alberta. Mad cow disease results from feeding animals to animals. Cows should not eat animals. It is very simple, temper with life and expects the unknown dangerous results. Bill C-13 open the door to the medical communities to attack Life more than ever, from cloning to the killing of the created embryos (tiny human). Creation of an embryo in the labs is a violation of the natural law (morally speaking) and the Law of nature. It is like Mad cow disease feeding animals to animals but here is feeding human to human by force. And we will have a disease called Mad Man disease???.


I have a great opposition to Bill C-13 because it was being pushed on Canadian from the liberal government and the medical communities for many undisclosed reasons, money, power, control, funding, and the UN control over our sovereignty and policy making in Ottawa. 


The Future of Canada is in your hand. I hope you do what is right in the Truth and what is good for this country.


God bless you

God bless Canada, And Merry Christmas


Truly Yours

Charbel E.


 Toronto, Tuesday, December 02, 2003

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