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Take This
all of you and eat it.
Arabic ÚÑÈí
By Charbel El-chaar
Dec 16, 2001
Edited By Fr. Rodolph Wakim USA
Do you know that, those who promote contraception and abortion
pills want from all people and specially women to use all of these
methods? In another word they intent to use the same word of Jesus Christ at
the last supper, after he turned the bread and wine into His Body and Blood
“then He took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, Drink from
it, all of you. This is my blood, of the new covenant, which is poured
out for many for the forgiveness of sins "(Mt 26; 27)
St Gregory of Nicia says “The
fall put in the human nature the seeds of death. Christ took on His own
the fallen nature and put in it the seeds of Life “baptism” and the force
of Life “Eucharist” for victory over death, and established the principle of
unity and non-corruption” 1
Christ, by giving us His Body at the hand of the priest, He gives
us Life again and bring us back to God the Father and makes us a new
creation, (Cor. 5/16) sharing in His creation and
redemption. He renews in us the spiritual Life and the physical life
because man is soul and body.
On the other hand, the one who gives contraception
and Abortion-pills, gives Poison and Death, and separates man from His creator
and from his or her spouse. This is similar to the way original sin
separated us from God at the hand of Adam and Eve (Gen. 3) and we had the
absence of original Justice.
St Thomas Aquinas in SUMMA THEOLOGICA said: that “It would seem
that original sin is not a habit. For original sin is the absence of
original justice."
The one who gives Abortion pills and contraception kills
life and freezes the ability to pro-create. Contraception expels God from
the marriage, the family, and the home. As God expelled Adam and Eve from
the garden after the fall, now abortion pills and contraception expels
God from the bedroom and from life. It is creating a new culture. Its
foundation is corruption and sin. As death entered the human
life with Adam and Eve through eating, taking the pills of abortion and
contraception today, will destroy the ability to conceive and will bring
death into the life of the modern man. Christ wants
to save us from sin. The one who performs abortion
and is giving contraception pills, wants to bring us back to sin. Contraception
pills freezes the ability to pro-create life while abortion pills destroy life
directly. (3)
So I hear the anti-Christ
saying: “take this all of you and eat it, this
is your body”
The Pope John Paul
II said in the Gospel of Life: "Certainly, from the moral point of view
contraception and abortion are specifically different evils: the
former contradicts the full truth of the sexual act as the proper expression of
conjugal love, while the latter destroys the life of a human being; the former
is opposed to the virtue of chastity in marriage, the latter is opposed to the
virtue of justice and directly violates the divine commandment "You shall
not kill". (4)(EV #13)
The woman who does abortion and takes contraception pills is
saying “this is my body” and it is none of your business. This is a big
lie because the woman is taking a poison that does not kill her but
kills the human life within her or sterilizes her ability to pro-create a
new life. Meanwhile Christ by saying: "This Is My Body" He gives us
life and it fruits… Christ in the Eucharist is the link between Spouses and God.
The Sacrament of Matrimony is one of the Church's seven
Sacraments. It is nourished by the Divine Eucharist which makes
it grow.
Legalizing the use of contraception, and Abortion pills is a
License to corruption and sexual exploitation.
Christ gives the Church Life and Holiness through His body,
the Eucharist. He unites her in the Culture of Life and Love and
self sacrifice. But a contraception and abortion pill lead man to selfishness
and alienates him from the spouse. This changed all the cultures of the east
and the west alike, to a one culture which is the culture of corruption and
sexual exploitation: the culture of death (surgical and
chemical abortion)! You can notice this corruption in some of the new
songs which call to living a sexual life before and outside
marriage. There are no prohibitions or control on expressing the
feelings even if they are wrong, offensive, abnormal or sick. It is
protected under the freedom of speech and expression... While most
of the old songs are modest, clean and the feelings expressed between
lovers are pure and innocent. In most of the new songs, all of that have died.
Abortion and contraception are
the reason for this insensitivity and
careless behavior. Being considerate, caring for others and for
their well-being is becoming from the past and old fashion. More and
more we are ignoring each others and becoming
self-centered. When morality or God interfere with our
pleasures, we are eliminating them. We need to bring back the good values,
respect each other, defend life and honor God the creator of all things.
In the beginning, original sin entered our human race
through the ignorance and pride of Adam and Eve. Their
disobedience brought death upon us. The beautiful image of God was
distorted and damaged. Jesus Christ is the new Adam and Mary
is the new Eve. They gave us life through their obedience and
humility. Christ restored our image of God and gave us back the
dignity of being God adopted children. He freed us from the slavery of
sin. So today, we need to welcome life and reject the use of
contraception and abortion pills. We refuse to go back to the
slavery of the original sin which breeds corruption and death
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3- New Perspective on Contraception P 63
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