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The month of June 2001 News

A proposal to eliminate the death penalty in Lebanon



A proposal to eliminate the death penalty in Lebanon
According to the Lebanese Broadcasting cooperation LBC
Beirut June 25-2001- The Justice committee in Lebanon approved a proposal
that can eliminate the death penalty carry the Number 302 issued in 1999 which
the committee reactivated the previous Law that allow courts to take less
measurement. The amendment consists of the political crimes: No death penalty
on premeditated Crimes according to 547 and 548 of the criminal code. And the
Judge can rule a lesser sentence, and there is no death penalty on the political crimes.

PEWAUKEE, WI, June 22, 2001 ( - "HOMOSEXUALITY AND HOPE", a just-released document from the Catholic Medical Association (CMA), addresses a positive program of providing help, support and hope for those homosexual persons who wish to live in union with the Catholic Church. The result of a two-year study by a specially-appointed CMA task force, the report is based on current scientific facts and practice experience of the task force members, which included psychiatrists and other physicians, psychologists, nurse specialists and members of the Catholic Clergy who were engaged in the management and care of homosexual persons.
In addition to a treatment program the document also covers myths that are currently advanced in the literature and the early identification of same sex attractioninvolved in the ministry to same sex attracted individualsorganization of Catholic physicians founded in practice of medicine. Recommendations are included to assist all of those . The Catholic Medical Association is a national 1932 to uphold the principles of the Catholic Faith in the practice of medicine.

For the complete document go to:


VATICAN, June 18, 2001 ( - In an address given today (see full text below) by Pope John Paul II to the International Congress of Catholic Obstetricians and Gynaecologists the pope outlined the immense challenge faced by physicians who wish to practice medicine ethically. He urged doctors to practice conscientious objection, refusing to administer unethical treatments, reminding them that "it is never licit to cooperate formally in evil."

The pope said that the long standing harmony between Christian morality and medical ethics has been "radically" changed due to such things as the "availability of contraceptive and abortive drugs ... in vitro ferrtilization ... embryonic stem cells..cloning." John Paul specifically called on Catholic universities and hospitals "to follow the directives of the Church's Magisterium in every aspect of obstetric and gynaecological practice, including research involving embryos." Moreover he said that "Wherever the right to train for and practice medicine with respect for one's moral convictions is violated, Catholics must earnestly work for redress."

The text of the speech comes directly from the Vatican as it was delivered in English.


Monday 18 June 2001

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

1. I warmly welcome your visit on the occasion of the International Congress of Catholic Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, at which you are reflecting upon your future in the light of the fundamental right to medical training and practice according to conscience. Through you, I greet all those health workers who, as servants and guardians of life, bear unceasing witness throughout the world to the presence of Christ's Church in this vital field, especially when human life is threatened by the burgeoning culture of death. In particular, I thank professor Gian Luigi Gigli for his kind words on your behalf, and I greet Professor Robert Walley, co-organizer of your Meeting.

2. Christian obstetricians, gynaecologists and obstetric nurses are always called to be servants and guardians of life, for "the Gospel of life is at the heart of Jesus' message. Lovingly received day after day by the Church, it is to be preached with dauntless fidelity as 'good news' to the people of every age and culture" (Evangelium Vitae, 1). But your profession has become still more important and your responsibility still greater "in today's cultural and social context, in which science and the practice of medicine risk losing sight of their inherent ethical dimension, [and] health-care professionals can be strongly tempted at times to become manipulators of life, or even agents of death" (ibid., 89).

Until quite recently, medical ethics in general and Catholic morality were rarely in disagreement. Without problems of conscience, Catholic doctors could generally offer patients all that medical science afforded. But this has now changed profoundly. The availability of contraceptive and abortive drugs, new threats to life in the laws of some countries, some of the uses of prenatal diagnosis, the spread of in vitro fertilization techniques, the consequent production of embryos to deal with sterility, but also their destination to scientific research, the use of embryonic stem cells for the development of tissue for transplants to cure degenerative diseases, and projects of full or partial cloning, already done with animals: all of these have changed the situation radically.

Moreover, conception, pregnancy and childbirth are no longer understood as ways of cooperating with the Creator in the marvelous task of giving life to a new human being. Instead they are often perceived as a burden and even as an ailment to be cured, rather than being seen as a gift from God.

3. Inevitably Catholic obstetricians and gynaecologists and nurses are caught up in these tensions and changes. They are exposed to a social ideology which asks them to be agents of a concept of "reproductive health" based on new reproductive technologies. Yet despite the pressure upon their conscience, many still recognize their responsibility as medical specialists to care for the tiniest and weakest of human beings, and to defend those who have no economic or social power, or public voice of their own.

The conflict between social pressure and the demands of right conscience can lead to the dilemma either of abandoning the medical profession or of compromising one's convictions. Faced with that tension, we must remember that there is a middle path which opens up before Catholic health workers who are faithful to their conscience. It is the path of conscientious objection, which ought to be respected by all, especially legislators.

4. In striving to serve life, we must work to ensure that the right to professional training and practice that is respectful of conscience in law and in practice is guaranteed. It is clear, as I noted in my Encyclical Evangelium Vitae, that "Christians, like all people of good will, are called upon under grave obligation of conscience not to cooperate formally in practices which, even if permitted by civil legislation, are contrary to God's law. Indeed, from the moral standpoint, it is never licit to cooperate formally in evil" (No. 74). Wherever the right to train for and practice medicine with respect for one's moral convictions is violated, Catholics must earnestly work for redress.

In particular, Catholic universities and hospitals are called to follow the directives of the Church's Magisterium in every aspect of obstetric and gynaecological practice, including research involving embryos. They should also offer a qualified and internationally recognized teaching network, in order to help doctors who are subject to discrimination or unacceptable pressure on their moral convictions to specialize in obstetrics and gynaecology.

5. It is my fervent hope that at the beginning of this new millennium, all Catholic medical and health care personnel, whether in research or practice, will commit themselves whole-heartedly to the service of human life. I trust that the local Churches will give due attention to the medical profession, promoting the ideal of unambiguous service to the great miracle of life, supporting obstetricians, gynaecologists and health workers who respect the right to life by helping to bring them together for mutual support and the exchange of ideas and experiences.

Entrusting you and your mission as guardians and servants of life to the protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I cordially impart my Apostolic Blessing to you and to all who work with you in bearing witness to the Gospel of life.

Abortifacient Morning After Pill Ruled Out

WASHINGTON, June 18, 2001 ( - On Friday the National Conference of Catholic Bishops released the fourth edition of the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services. The new directives, according to Bishop Joseph A. Galante of Texas, "leaves no wiggle room" for Catholic and Catholic-affiliated hospitals to thwart the teachings of the Church pertaining to abortion. Abortion proponents are outraged with the news.

The LA Times reported that "in the past, non-Catholic hospitals affiliated with the church have been able to get around the church's prohibitions against abortion and sterilization by creating a legally separate entity within the hospital." Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk of Cincinnati, who headed the committee that drafted new directives, told reporters "If the practices are not in accord with the ethical directive, I expect those practices will change," noting that "the whole gambit of Catholic respect for life" was at stake.

The directives ban abortion, abortifacients, contraceptives, sterilization and in vitro fertilization. Moreover the directives note, "Catholic health care institutions need to be concerned about the danger of scandal in any association with abortion providers."

See the new NCCB directives at:

See the LA Times coverage:



GLASGOW, June 18, 2001 ( - Scotland's Cardinal Thomas Winning, 76, died suddenly yesterday from a heart attack. Only the second Scottish Cardinal since the Protestant Reformation, Cardinal Winning was a stalwart defender of the teachings of the faith, and heroically outspoken on matters of life and family. Although he was much loved by the faithful, anti-life and anti-family forces held him out as enemy number one.

Earlier this year Cardinal Winning slammed plans to sell the abortifacient morning-after pill in the country without a doctors prescription. He said the government was promoting "early chemically-induced abortion" and sexually transmitted disease. Last August he commented on stem cell research saying, "Obtaining stem cells from a human embryo is morally wrong, because it involves the destruction of a human life. Human life is inviolably sacred, both before and after any arbitrary 14-day deadline."

Last July Winning commented on abortion and the medical profession saying, "No profession has been more deeply corrupted by the culture of death than the medical profession over the past century. And nothing has more deeply corrupted it than the practice of abortion and the attendant attitude that human life which is weak and vulnerable is disposable." Also last year, the Cardinal fought courageously against a law allowing the teaching of homosexuality in schools, noting children were being subjected to "explicit and perverted material". "It pains me to use the word perverted when discussing the homosexual act but that it what it is," said the Cardinal.

For his clarity and courage the Cardinal received condemnation both from politicians and pop-stars. George Galloway, a leading Labour MP from Glasgow likened the Cardinal, leader of Scotland's 750,000 Catholics, to a "raving bigot" after the cardinal's opposition to the promotion of homosexuality in schools. Elton John made a public attack on the Cardinal, writing in the June 6 issue of The Spectator, "his ignorance, is totally representative of why people are turning away from the Church." "I am astonished to be told by Cardinal Winning that my sexuality is not good for me."

See the coverage of the Cardinal's death in the Scotsman:



Pro-Life Group Calls on NOW, NARAL and Planned Parenthood to Join Their Effort 13-Jun-2001 -- EWTN Pro-Family News

(Staten Island, NY) - From its inception, Priests for Life, a leading pro-life advocacy organization, has been monitoring the harm done to women by the abortion industry. The organization today ran a full-page ad in USA Today, which followed an ad in last Friday’s Wall Street Journal.

“All over this country women have been severely hurt and many have died from so-called 'safe and legal' abortions, not only because of dangers inherent to the procedure, but also from the unscrupulous practices of abortionists, who have mistreated, maimed, sexually abused, and killed their patients," said Father Frank Pavone. "Abortion is the most frequently performed surgery in the nation and yet it is also the most unregulated surgical procedure in the nation. Making it legal has not made it safe.”

“Our ads identify only three examples of young women who lost their lives while getting a legal abortion,” added Fr. Pavone. “We have lists of many more, but nobody knows the full number, because these deaths are covered up. One thing is certain: the more you search, the more you find.

“Today, we call on NOW, NARAL, and Planned Parenthood to join us in seeking an investigation of the standards by which abortion clinics do or do not protect the health of their patients,” Fr. Pavone said. “If these groups are truly concerned about women being harmed and exploited, they will call for an end to abortion malpractice and violence against women. If they don't, they show themselves to be more protective of the abortion industry than of women's lives and health.”

Priests for Life will run additional ads to call more attention to this critically important issue. In addition, the organization will publicize, on a regular basis, other research on the abortion industry and the harm it has done to countless women across the nation, highlighting many cases that have gone unreported by the media and pro-abortion movement.

This is part of the $12 million paid media campaign which Priests for Life announced earlier this year. The ad campaign will include radio and television advertising.

For more information, or to interview Father Frank Pavone, please contact Adam Bromberg or Kristie Meave at 703-683-5004.


ROME,( - An Italian Catholic peace group on Monday called the execution of Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh a "useless barbarity" and that it diminished America's democratic society.

"The execution of Timothy McVeigh has made the death penalty fashionable once again and jeopardizes more than ever the minimum threshold for civilization in our democracies," the Sant'Egidio Community said in a statement. McVeigh was executed Monday morning for the murder of 168 men, women, and children in 1995 when he bombed a US federal government building. It was the first federal execution since 1963.

"The death of a man, whoever he is and whatever he has done, is and remains a barbarity," Sant'Egidio said. "McVeigh's death does not improve anything in the United States or in our countries. It does not make them more secure, it does not give life back to the victims... It does not improve justice but instead lowers the threshold of what is human and desirable in a democratic society."

Sant'Egidio, which has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for its peace mediation efforts around the world, has led an anti-death penalty campaign which includes lighting up the Roman Colosseum every time an execution is commuted anywhere in the world.

"There was a time when slavery and torture were considered acceptable or even desirable by most people in the world. But this did not mean they were humane or compatible with democracy," the group said. "The death penalty is not any different."

Redefines Pregnancy to Hide Abortion

Toronto, June 5, 2001 ( - 40 Toronto pharmacies began dispensing "morning after" pills
without a doctor's prescription Monday in a one-year pilot program funded by the Ontario Health
Ministry through the Ontario Women's Health Council. The goal of the project is to "prevent unwanted
pregnancies and thereby reduce the number of abortions," said Jane Pepino, OWHC chairwoman.
Critics emphasize that "emergency contraceptives" can cause an early abortion by changing the uterine
walllining so that an already fertilized egg cannot implant.

A OWHC news release concerning "emergency contraceptive pills" confirms that they may also work
"by altering the lining of the uterus." The abortifacient component of the pill is denied by equating pregnancy
with implantation. "Emergency contraceptives work before implantation and not after a woman is already
pregnant," says the brief. "Unlike RU-486, taking ECP will not interfere or harm an existing pregnancy."
A marketing campaign is planned to spread such information to clinics, doctor's offices, schools, the media
and bar posters located in women's washrooms.

For more information see:


Fr. Frank Pavone National Director, Priests for Life
5-Jun-2001 -- Vatican Information Service

The Church's relationship to the State has never been an absolute "No," and has never been and absolute "Yes." The balanced response which both Scripture and Christian history provide is based on the Church's acknowledgment that legitimate authority comes from God, and that at the same time, the Church is a divinely-established entity which has a mission and an existence which transcends that of the State.

In his first letter, St. Peter expresses the "yes" of the Church to the State in the following passage: "Because of the Lord, be obedient to every human institution, whether to the emperor as sovereign or to the governors he commissions…Such obedience is the will of God" (cf. 1Pt.2:13-17).

Our Lord Himself said that we should "give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God" (Mt. 22:21) In that statement, we also see the "no" of the Church to the State. We must give God what is His. The coin belongs to Caesar because it bears the image of Caesar. What, then, belongs to God? That which bears the image of God -- which is human life, including Caesar himself. Caesar, then, belongs to God and must obey God.

The very reason we obey the State is that God established it; yet in that very affirmation, we also see that the State must obey God, and that inasmuch as the State departs from the law of God, it no longer deserves our allegiance. The apostles faced this reality when they were ordered not to speak again in the name of Jesus. "We must obey God rather than men," was their response (Acts 5:29). We admit the same principle in our own "Pledge of Allegiance" when we declare that this is "One nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all." That is what we are pledging allegiance to. If the nation is no longer under God, or no longer secures liberty and justice for its people, neither does it deserve our allegiance.

We can all recognize a legitimate separation of Church and State. The State, for example, cannot decree that we have six sacraments instead of seven. Nor can the Church decree that we have 51 states instead of 50. But if a new religion came along which had, as part of its worship service, the torture and death of infants, should the State step in and prohibit that? Certainly, such a prohibition would not violate the separation of Church and State. The reason is simple: such separation can never justify violence. That is precisely why the Church's active stand against abortion is not a "meddling in politics" or an "imposition of belief." Neither the Church nor the State can be passive if the other transgresses fundamental human rights.

The Church provides a necessary safeguard against the danger that the State becomes totalitarian, and that whatever human power decrees becomes, by that very fact, right and good.

Contact Priests for Life at PO Box 141172, Staten Island, NY 10314; Tel: 888-PFL-3448, 718-980-4400; Fax: 718-980-6515;


PHILADELPHIA, Jun 1, 01 ( - The two women at the center of landmark Supreme Court cases that legalized abortion on demand have asked the federal courts to overturn those decisions.

Norma McCorvey, who was "Jane Roe" in the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, said, "My case was wrongfully decided, and has caused great harm to the women and children of our nation." McCorvey and Sandra Cano-Saucedo, who was "Jane Doe" in the companion case of Doe v. Bolton, filed friend-of-the-court briefs in the case of Donna Santa Marie, et al v. Christie Todd Whitman, et al. The case is a federal class action suit brought by five women who argue that New Jersey's abortion laws violate the constitutional rights of women.

"The lawsuit attempts to overturn Roe v. Wade by suing the state of New Jersey, which has one of the most liberal abortion rights laws, and if it succeeds they will attempt to have the case reach the Supreme Court," said Stephanie Mueller, spokesman for the Washington-based National Abortion Federation.

McCorvey and Cano-Saucedo expressed support for the five women and told a news conference that "we were wrong, and we are trying to overturn that." After working in abortion clinics for many years, in 1995 McCorvey shocked many by announcing she had become a baptized Christian by pro-life group leader, the Rev. Philip "Flip" Benham, who is the national president of the Texas-based Operation Save America. Cano-Saucedo says she was pressured by an American Civil Liberties Union attorney in the early 1970s to seek an abortion after her husband was jailed in Georgia and her two children taken away by welfare workers. She said she was against abortion and fled to a grandmother in Oklahoma to avoid it. Cano-Saucedo claims the ACLU lawyer misled the court by telling it that she had sought an abortion but was denied by a public hospital.

Canos sought to unseal the records of her case and prove that she hadn't sought a hospital abortion and she has said that she doesn't understand how the Supreme Court decision can still stand, "after the case is proven to be based on lies

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